Stack smashing detected overwrite
Stack smashing detected overwrite

stack smashing detected overwrite

Your program behaviour is random because probably you have not disabled ASLR (Address space layout randomization). You need to configure your compiler to make it easier for buffer overflow.

stack smashing detected overwrite

The fact this error is not consistent because sometimes the canary does not get overwritten (fine run of program) or overwritten by the same exact value and sometimes the canary gets overwritten with a different value leading to this error. To see if a data from vector 1 appears in vector 2 this indeed seems like buffer overflow kind of assignment where you are required to overwrite contents of arrays from one another. If it is a computer security assignment where you are working on a buffer overflow exploit then you need to figure out to bybass these security mechanism, if you are not familiar with it, then somehow you are overflowing buffer and without looking at code I can't comment much where exactly the problem is. However, disabling stack-protection will remove this error but you might get segmentation fault as a result of overwriting stack. To avoid this error, disable fstack-protector in gcc while compiling the code using g++ myProgram.c -o myProgram -fno-stack-protector This is a security mechanism implemented by gcc/g++ to prevent buffer overflow exploits using -fstack-protector. *** stack smashing detected *** error occurs when as the name suggests, you smash the stack, meaning that you have a buffer overflow and the canary gets overwritten by a different value.

Stack smashing detected overwrite