You can see which parts of the theme have already be translated and contribute to the translation even if you only translate a few strings. The big benefit of the wp.org translation lies in the online collaboration part. You only have to register or login to your account to start translating immediately. You should translate the theme on wp.org if you want to improve the existing translation files already included with our themes. Proably the best way to translate a ThemeZee WordPress theme is to join the translation project on. The last step you have to do is to upload your created language files to the language folder of your theme using FTP. Normally Poedit automatically creates the.

Afterwards you can save the catalog with your language code (for example es_ES.po). Then go through every line of text and translate it to your native language. pot file from the theme you wish to translate which you can find in the /includes/lang/ or /languages/ folder of your theme. It’s available for free on .Īfter you have installed Poedit, you can open it and select File → New Catalog from POT file. Poedit is a common program which you can use to translate the theme. 2nd Method: Translate Themes using the Poedit Program In case you’re an experienced computer user you may want to use Poedit to translate your theme (see below), which is more complex but faster. After you have installed and activated the plugin, simply go to Loco Translate → Manage translationsand translate the theme from your WordPress backend following the plugin instructions. The easiest way to translate your theme is by using the Loco Translate WordPress plugin. 1st Method: Translate Themes with the Loco Translate Plugin pot catalog file, translate all text strings and save the. Now the only thing you have to do is to create a new. po files and used by WordPress itself to translate the theme. mo files are just compiled exports from the. (de_De.po, nl_NL.po or es_ES.po for example).

Therefore these files are named according to their language codes. pot file and contain both the original language (= English) and all translated text strings from the translated language. pot file is basically a list of all the text lines used in the theme files in English language. pot which you can use to translate the theme. It is the common way to translate WordPress core and every theme or plugin.Įvery theme includes an extra language file with the file ending.

Our WordPress themes are localized using the GNU gettext framework and are translation-ready.